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Kräftor & hummer på svenskt vis i London


The Cotswold Crayfish Company LTD

Saknar du svenskkokta signalkräftor? Eller kanske är sugen på nykokt hummer till din fest? Bara en timmes bilfärd från London finns The Cotswold Crayfish Company Ltd., som erbjuder fantastiska signalkräftor kokta enligt svenskt recept och även nykokt hummer till bra priser. Med bra service och snabb leverans kan vi rekommendera The Cotswold Crayfish Company för er nyårshummer eller då suget efter goda kräftor är för stort. Ni kan antingen hämta direkt hos dem eller få varorna levererade hem till er. 


Minimum orderstorlekar:
- Kräftor 20 kilo
- Hummer 20 st (vikt per st ca 500 gr)
Our signal crayfish has its origin in English freshwater lakes and rivers. They have been cooked in salt, sugar and dill according to a Swedish recipe by The Cotswold Crayfish Company Ltd located at Unit 1, Upton Downs Farm, Burford Road. Burford, Oxfordshire OX18 4LY.
This company is a joint venture company between Smålandskräftan AB, being the largest producer of crayfish and lobsters in Sweden and our partner in England, Matt Thompson.


Should you be interested in buying live or cooked quality crayfish or lobsters directly from us please contact Matt Thompson on +44 7792 440618 or by e-mail at mattsthompson@hotmail.co.uk
Minimum order sizes: 20 kilos of crayfish and 20 pcs of lobsters (500 gr/each).
We welcome you to visit our plant and buy directly from source. Please contact Matt for an appointment.
We also deliver by courier to your address.

The Cotswold Crayfish Company Ltd located at Unit 1, Upton Downs Farm, Burford Road. Burford, Oxfordshire OX18 4LY.

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